Report a Streetlight Out

Streetlight not working or requires maintenance? Alectra Utilities does not own or operate streetlighting systems however we’re here to help you contact your municipality or region to report the issue:


To report malfunctioning traffic signals, missing/damaged signs or burnt out street lights contact Service 巴里:


  • Phone the City of 宾顿市 at 311.
  • Report the street name and if possible, the pole identification numbers, which are located on street side of the pole.
  • If the pole does not have an identification number, report the residential address the pole is closest to.

Report lights requiring repair or maintenance by:


  • Whether you are reporting a street light or traffic light
  • If the light is out or malfunctioning
  • The exact location of the pole
  • The pole number (located about 10 feet from the ground, in yellow and black numbering)

如果路灯是 burnt out or needs repair and it is not an emergency, the city will repair it within five working days.


  • Single Light Out: To be repaired within 10 working days
  • Multiple Lights Out: More than three (3) lights out on a non-major thoroughfare to be repaired within two (2) working days.
  • Sections of lights on major thoroughfares to be repaired within one (1) working day.
  • 电话: 1-888-927-3547,按“1”键.
St. 凯瑟琳

If you find a street light that has burned out please call 905.688.5600 或者完成 online street light maintenance form.

It is helpful if you can provide the specific pole number, located on the yellow tag attached to the pole.

York Region (极光, 马卡姆, 里士满希尔, 沃恩)

York Region operates and maintains the street lights at intersections on Regional roads. Each street lamp owned by York Region has a unique identification tag. These tags are numbered and have the York Region logo on them.

A white rectangular identification tag with the York Region logo in the upper left corner, a bar code in the lower left and a four-digit number on the right.

Street lamps on local roads and between intersections on Regional roads are maintained by local municipalities.

Anyone who sees a street light that is burned out should inform York Region. The closest intersection and/or house number are needed so York Region can find out who is responsible for fixing the street light.

It is important to replace street lamps as soon as they burn out. The light helps drivers see pedestrians, 骑自行车的人, animals and other vehicles when driving in the dark.

To report a street lamp outage please contact us at:

Is 你的位置?